A Better You Is Attainable

  • Have you lost your confidence or self esteem?
  • Are you suffering from low mood or anxiety?
  • Do you wish for motivation or change?
  • Is a phobia holding you back?
  • Do you wish you could sleep better?
  • Are you stressed and wish that you could cope better?

If you have answered yes to any of these then rest assured, hypnotherapy can help. If you’re ready to attain a better you, then contact me today to book your free, no obligation, initial consultation.

Contact Details 


Rochester, Kent. But we offer online sessions, so location is never an issue


Is hypnotherapy right for me?

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a versatile approach that can treat a large number of conditions and we use trance to enhance therapeutic work with clients. Trance is a natural state of mind that you go into several times a day. For example, when you’re watching TV, running, at the gym or even when you’re driving a regular route. Ever got somewhere in the car and not remembered part of the journey?

Trance is where the two minds, the conscious and subconscious, come together in focus. You are then able to access the vast intellectual resource and get the best out of yourself. Hypnotherapy also tends to work quite quickly. We use Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and you will just feel deeply relaxed. You are in complete control throughout and if necessary, you would absolutely be able to bring yourself out the hypnotic state. You do not have to take any suggestions you do not want to. Most importantly, you cannot be hypnotised if you don’t want to be. It works so much better when you feel safe. 


The Peacock – sheds its feathers and regrows them. You can shed your past and learn to live in the beauty of the moment again. Regrow your feathers and appreciate yourself!

How do I find out more?

First of all you will have a FREE initial consultation. Without any obligation to continue. It's important for you to have all the information first before you can make an informed decision on whether or not this is right for you. You will have the opportunity to learn about the process and ask as many questions as you need to. Head on over to our sessions and prices page which gives more information about sessions, prices and how to enquire. 

Hypnotherapy and healthy relationships Hypnotherapy and healthy relationships

Healthy Relationships

We are social animals and need healthy relationships in order to be mentally well. However sometimes, these can feel like a minefield for most people. But there are ways that we can strive to do better. First by learning how to have a positive relationship with yourself. Also creating your own boundaries and having the confidence to enforce them and assert yourself is vital. You'll be surprised how when we are clear on where are boundaries are, in a calm confident manner, others adjust accordingly. We also should always respect the boundaries and needs of others in the same way. 

Hypnotherapy and wellbeing Hypnotherapy and wellbeing


Self-Care is vital. It's important to make time to take care of yourself. Often we feel the temptation to put others needs first. But then we burn out and don't have enough resources to give to others. We need to take care of ourselves to replenish our energy so that we are able to give to others. Self care is not selfish. Taking time to do what you want and need is vital for your wellbeing. Hypnotherapy not only promotes ways for you to engage for in self-care but it also counts as self-care. The trance is relaxing and promotes a sense of wellbeing. 

Hypnotherapy for sleep Hypnotherapy for sleep

Hypnotherapy  for sleep

At night we process the events of the day during REM sleep. This helps us to stay mentally healthy and keep our stress bucket empty. But when this process is interrupted, it can lead to a stress bucket that fills up. REM is restricted to 20% of our sleep patters so sometimes it becomes difficult to empty enough of the bucket in the time we do have. And unhelpfully, a full stress bucket makes it even harder to sleep, as a stressed brain does not like to sleep. Thankfully hypnotherapy is a good way to promote relaxation and get sleep patterns back in working order. Plus you will be provided with my MP3 recording which helps you relax every night. 

Hypnotherapy for weight loss

We all have signals in the brain that tell us when to over or under eat. Stress has a lot of impact on this. So hypnosis can help by helping you to achieve relaxation. Set goals for yourself and learn to reinforce your own healthy attitudes towards eating habits. Whilst you are deeply relaxed, behaviour changes that you desire are encouraged.  Whilst also working towards improving motivation and self-confidence.

Hypnotherapy for phobias 

Over time we repeat the same behavioural response to a phobia, thus further reinforcing the danger message in the brain. We then become hardwired to repeat the same pattern of behaviour each time, whilst no amount of logic imposed by anyone seems to help. During hypnotherapy, these messages can be challenged whilst feeling relaxed and not under threat. Thus aiming to reduce the phobic response. The course of treatment depends on the severity or nature of the phobia. 

Hypnotherapy for trauma

The PTSD brain is alert and vigilant. When we experience a trauma, we should process that trauma during our REM sleep. But we have a full stress bucket already or if the trauma is ongoing for a long time, we can get stuck. We go into survival mode and can't get out. Hypnosis offers a safe space for you to relax. The aim is to improve sleep patterns and set goals for you to get control back of your life. This allows your brain to have the opportunity to process the trauma and work through it. 

Mood disorders

Often depression and anxiety go together hand in hand. Hypnotherapy can challenge unhelpful beliefs we have about ourselves. Whilst encouraging relaxation, positive messages can be introduced and old messages that do not serve you can be challenged.  You set your own goals, that are right for you and slowly you can begin to regain control over your life again. 

Motivation and confidence 

Whether you suffer from low self-esteem or you just need some extra motivation to be better, hypnotherapy can help you to thrive. Your old belief systems can be challenged and new goals can be set. Allowing you to take control of your life and be the person you want to be. You can implement the behaviour changes that you want to. Be the person you want to be. 


I often had anxiety visiting new places. My anxiety was especially bad when going abroad for a holiday, worrying about the whole process from packing bags to arriving at the hotel. This process would usually start about three weeks before going. I made life miserable for my husband during this time. I also worried about inconsequential things which weighed heavily on my mind and that I couldn't do anything about.

My sessions with Kaylie were liberating. Her knowledge of the brain and how it works is amazing. Kaylie had a positive energy with a natural disposition and was calm, compassionate and very understanding. All sessions were online so I didn't have to leave my home and was able to relax in my own environment.

My anxiety has now improved and I handle things so much better. My last holiday was a breeze with no anxiety about it at all. My husband noticed the change which was also better for him as I wasn't snapping at him like I used to. If I am late for anything I do not panic anymore. I have stopped worrying about things out of my control. I am now much more confident.

I am so pleased that I reached out to Kaylie and am very grateful for her help. I would not hesitate to recommend Kaylie. Everyone should consider hypnotherapy as it works very well.


I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the transformation I have experienced since beginning hypnotherapy sessions with you. Before our consultation, I was constantly finding obstacles that prevented me from focusing on the tasks I wanted to accomplish. It felt as though an invisible barrier was always in my way.

However, since starting therapy, I have noticed a significant change. The barriers that once held me back seem to have dissolved, and I have been able to focus on my tasks and goals with a clarity I had not previously experienced.

Your professional guidance and the techniques you’ve taught me have not only helped me in the short term but have equipped me with the tools to maintain this focus in the long run. I am now more productive, more focused, and most importantly, more content.

Thank you for your patience, understanding, and expertise. Your therapy has truly made a difference in my life, and I am grateful for the positive changes it has brought about.

Sarah - UK

Kaylie is warm, caring, and very perceptive, bringing an uplifting energy to her lovely relaxation and hypnotherapy sessions


I found Kaylie very easy to talk with. She was able to explain the process clearly and was able to explain all misconceptions about hypnotherapy. The sessions we had were great, my mental bucket is far less full and I'm able think clearly now too. I also have much better night sleeps as a result of the sessions. I would highly recommend Kaylie to my friends and family, knowing they will be in safe hands.

If you're ready to attain a better you, what are you waiting for? 

Get in touch now!